Friday, August 8, 2008

Sex being sold!

I have heard that sex sells. I have to say that this is the truth. A few weeks ago, I was listening to a commercial on the radio. It started out with a woman moaning. After a minute, I found out that it was a commercial for hair restoration. After that, the announcer said something like, “If you want to be like our friend here”, you must do this. This was a radio advertisement for as I said before, a hair restoration PROCEDUREMENT. The place where they do this thing is supposed to be different than the other hair restoration places. Why does sex have to dominate the media? How is this impacting or how will it impact the future generations? Wow! To think that we see this when watching a commercial on cars, food, and clothing, scare’s me a lot. It is then that we are left saying, “Why?” Let’s get back to selling products and not sex. This will make a person into another person that he or she may not be. We should be setting the example for other countries to follow

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