Tuesday, August 26, 2008

good job at the Dnc today

I believe this speech was really good and really important. It was time that someone spoke for the disabled. It is sad that the US is not doing enough to
help us out. Very often we are left behind along with the poor. It is sad that so many voices are not heard, yet the democrats say that they are for all people.
so why do we get left behind? why do homeless people get left behind? why do people who are starving get left behind? why do victims of natural disasters
get left behind? There are so many other things that I could say, but I think you get my point. These things should be talked about in these conventions.
I am glad that this man is speaking out. We need change. Obama and all americans could make that change happen if they are willing to. When are we going to talk about this? I hope very soon.

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