Monday, August 11, 2008

Is John McCain a maverick?

In a story titled, “Between a maverick and a hard place,” publish to day in the LA times, I found some things that were very interesting. For example, John McCain considers himself to be a maverick. So, what is a maverick? According to, it is, “One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.” Yes, he is still one, but I also think that he is stuck in between roads. He wants to be seen as someone who is different than other politicians. But at the same time, he wants to win these elections. I used to like him a little bit more a few years ago when he co-authored an emigration bill that was fair to undocumented workers. Now it seems as if he has joined those people whom he has criticized. I believe that a person could be with a group and still not be in agreement with them. However, in this case, I think that there is very little difference between President Bush and McCain. In another note, I think that he should not use ads like the one with Paris Hilton to get his point across. He should not criticize Barak Obama for saying what he said about tires and energy.
To read the article, go to,0,299016.story

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