Monday, August 4, 2008

The brotherhood

"Islam" as peace, People are not thinking of that when they hear info about this religion. The brotherhood is an Islamic organization that helps provide a different religious view of Islam that the media, politicians, and others don’t seem to have. It seems as if the brotherhood is trying to reestablish Islam by educating people. An example is that people should pray. They also teach other religious values. It seems as if their goal is unity. This is what the profit would have wanted. So far, this organization is following Islam. Surah 90 talks about the Ascent, “It is the freeing of a slave, or the feeding, in a day of hunger, of an orphaned near of kin, or a needy man in misery.” This is what the brotherhood is doing in over 20 countries. According to surah90, those who free the slaves, and those who counsel one another, for example, shall be on the right hand. I believe that because of the political things that are going on, soon, the brotherhood will be unable to give out anymore. I fear that the world will be dominated by the people who are in power and who don’t care about the poor. I think that over time, this organization will disintegrate little by little. They will be seen as an organization that helped.
I was really bothered by a headline that was mentioned in an article. "Let the Workers Eat Cake," blared a headline on the front page of the April 30 edition of Al Akhbar, a Lebanese daily newspaper allied with the Shiite. Although some groups are “winning”, in the end, everyone is going to suffer the consequences of their actions. We should follow closely what is happening in the Middle East. By now, it should be clear that bible prophesies are becoming reality. From the first one up to now, people did not believe that the bible was truth although all the prophesies have become true so far. There is more to come, and we should be prepared. Always keep searching for the truth.

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