Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Judaism divided into three parts

Orthodox Judaism says that the torah, is very important no madder if it’s the written or the oral form. It states that practices such as circumcision, are very important. A person could give up is or her believe in god as long as he or she follows the practices. Reform Judaism says that the practices are no longer required. It tries to blend with today’s society. It modifies some things to fit modern times. I was confused when I read that it was coming back to the traditional ways. Conservative Judaism is in a way, the blending of orthodox and Reform Judaism. It states that the practices are very important As well as the laws of the Talmud and the torah. It tries to adapt modern things when it is necessary. It talks about an evolutionary process and that, “halachic authority can continue the halachic evolution today.” God is real and therefore, really important.

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