There are different covenants in the bible. I will tell you about a few of them. God said that men should not eat flesh that still has blood. He also said that if men killed other men by shedding his blood, the murderer should be killed the same way. Everyone would be accountable for his actions. God established a covenant with Noah. He set a rainbow up above and everyone would be able to see it. He would remember his covenant every time he saw the rainbow. No longer would the earth be destroyed nor the lives of people be terminated by water or floods because of humans. He commanded every living creature as well as Noah, and those who were with him, to be fruitful and multiply.
I think the covenant with Noah was more than a rainbow because god would always be watching them. The rainbow was there to remind the people that were living then as well as the people who were going to follow, of this.
God made A covenant With Abram. He was going to give land to Abram. Abram wanted to know how he would know when he would have it. So, god told him to bring him several animals. These were A heifer, a goat, a ram, A dove, and a young pigeon. The first three had to be three years old. Abram cut the first three animals in half. This was a sacrifice that Abram had to do. Also, his people would be strangers in another country. They would be mistreated and enslaved for 400 years but then, they would be set free. They would be having great things with them, and there captors would be judged for what they did. Meanwhile, Abram would be safe, and he would be buried at a good old age.
God also said to Abram that his name should no longer be Abram, but He should be called Abraham for he will be father of many nations because of god. Kings will come from him, and he will have the son that he and his wife always wanted.
The change of Abram’s name to Abraham changed the whole future of history because A new group of people was born. These are who have influence today. Because of his name change, his people were able to do great things. It definitely shaped history.
God made a covenant with Abraham. He told him that all of the mails in his family and those who were not, but were in his house, should be circumcised. Every newborn there after, should be circumcised as well when he is eight years old. Everyone who does follow this will be cut off from his people. I don’t think circumcision is a sacrifice. Another sacrifice that Abraham had to make was to take his only son and take him to a land which god had told him, and offer him there for a burnt offering. Abraham prepared everything just as god had commanded him to. When he was ready to cut his son, an angel from heaven called out to him saying to not do anything to his son because now he knew that he feared god. I guess the angel knew this. The purpose of sacrificing Isaac was to test Abraham and how far he would go for god. I believe that Abraham had a very tuff decision. Abraham proved that his love for Jehovah was so deep by doing what god had commanded him to do.
The blood on Mount Sinai represented the blood of the covenant that god had made with the people. I think The blood of the animals was a sacrifice commanded by god. I have heard that there are movies about these events, but I have not seen one. I also don’t know if there were any cartoons made about this.
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