Saturday, July 5, 2008


It is not easy to explain to people that sometimes it is hard to communicate with them because one has a disability. Furthermore, this does not need to happened because we have the power to stop it. For example, I was at a restaurant, and I was going to order a burger. When the waitress asked the person that was with me what she wanted, their was not a problem. However, the problem started when instead of asking what I wanted, she asked my helper. I did not say anything, but I was upset. Another thing that occurred to me, was that one day, I was walking with a person. I remember that the person who was helping me, stopped, and I was wondering why. I heard clearly when a teenager asked my helper,” is he blind.” The person did not say anything and neither did I because we did not want to make the problem much bigger. This last example is very upsetting. One day, one of my friends, invited me to eat. I was supposed to meet him on a Sunday at 1P.M. I had arrived about 30 minutes early. When I opened the door, a lady greeted me by saying, “table for two?” at least, that is as much as I can remember at this moment. I did not answer her because I did not know if she was talking to me. I had my cane on my hand but that did not help. When she asked me the second time, I still did not answer. She did not give me no sign that she was speaking to me. Finally, a man came up to me and asked me the same question it was then, that I understood that the woman was talking to me. While I was waiting, that same guy asked me a few more questions, such as if I was waiting for somebody. I said yes. After my friend came over, the afternoon was good. These are three situations where I could have said to the people that I was blind. However, I had my cane out! How do I explain to someone who I am. The least thing that I want to do is to cause a seen. After a few years, I have learned my lesson. I will try to talk more and ask questions. If I do this, it could be possible that people will learn from me.

1 comment:

roger said...

People just don't understand. It's new to them so they don't know how to function in situations like that and in certain instances they might offend but don't take it personal. All you can do is be clear.