Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I cannot believe it.

I cannot believe what is going on. California has passed a budget. This budget has about 1000000 dollars in cuts that affect programs such as the department of vocational rehabilitation, which helps blind people go to school and get a job, Programs for seniors, which maintain them occupied and provide medical services. Children services are also being cut. More class rooms are being filled with students which affect them because they do not get individualized attention that they need to succeed. We have been living in a society where the rich don’t want to lose anything, and they want the vulnerable to pay for things when they go wrong. People with money or power don’t want to help when the situation is going bad. I view California as a big family where each member has problems. Either they have problems with others, or with money. But, we are two stubborn to ask for help. On the other hand, we have people who have been blessed with money, but they become selfish with it. We need help. All we want is a won sent increase, but some people don’t want that. They prefer that other people suffer. They don’t care if the most vulnerable people pay the consequences. Before I get to them, let me just say that on the other hand, we have to pay too many taxes. For example, we will have to pay a 13 sent tax on gasoline. Also, we will have to borrow 1000000 dollars if I am not wrong. OK, what are the consequences? They are very catastrophic. Disabled people will not be able to achieve their goals, children will fall behind in their education, our elderly friends will dye, and people from all three groups will also dye because they did not get cared for the way that they were supposed to. Let me tell you another analogy. Let’s pretend that all California was in the ocean. Then, All of a sudden, those whom our vulnerable, began to sink. Only those that could swim were having fun. They saw that a lot of people were sinking, but they did not do anything. They said, “We don’t know why we need to bring those people with us. They interrupt our fun time.” They don’t do anything to help them. They preferred to let children and others with special needs dye. They preferred to let those that taught them about love, honesty, and respect dye. These were also the people who took care of them when they were sick, hungry, and penniless. These under privileged people gave it all to save them. Also, some of these people went to war for them. They risked their lives, so these wealthy people could stay alive and keep their freedom and fortune. This is how these rich people, and the people in power pay them? They take away services, and meanwhile, they still have a lot of money? These teachers, doctors, and others have spent countless hours with these people and their kids helping them. They lost so much sleep to fine ways to improve themselves, so these ungrateful people could be happy with them. However, they are not. One last thing I have to say is what go's around comes around.

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