This review was written on April ninth, 2008.
Review of the Gosple of Mark
The gospel of mark is about Jesus and his three year ministry. Jesus is the son of a carpenter whose name is Joseph and a virgin by the name of Mary. He was born in a stable in the city of Jerusalem in Bethlehem. He is the main character in this book. His 12 disciples are also important. One of them, does something that later comes to haunt him. I feel that Jesus as well as the 12 disciples want to save the world. There objective is that everyone could have eternal life and declare that Jesus is the son of god. However, they will find themselves tempted.
The book of mark starts by talking about Jesus and how the lord sent him to earth as a messenger. The gospel also says that Jesus will prepare the way. It moves on to talk about John the Baptist being in the wilderness eating locusts. He was also baptizing people in the Jordan river. When Jesus came to john, John baptized him. Then Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, and he was tempted by Satan.
After this had happened, he began to select the men who were to become his disciples. Some of these men were Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Simon and Andrew were brothers, they were also fishermen. Jesus told them to follow him, and he would make them fishers of men. James and John were also brothers, and they were helping their father when Jesus found them. Later, Jesus began to cure people and to cast out demons. Jesus had enemies in a very short time. They were the Pharisees and the scribes. At one point, they said that he was doing the works of Ba‘al ZebĂ»b which is another name for Satan. They did not like him because he did not follow there laws. They also tempt him. For examples, Jesus went to parts of Dalmanutha on a ship. The Pharisees wanted a sign from heaven. Jesus understood what they were trying to do and sighed deeply in his spirit. Then, he said, “Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this
generation. Jesus always spoke in parables to the ones who did not believe in him. However, he made the parables known to his disciples. As Jesus and his disciples were going to the towns of Caesarea and Philippi, the master asked his disciples What did men thought of him. Who did they think he was. The disciples answered by saying that some of them thought that he was John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and Others say that Jesus was a profit. Then, he asked them who was he. Peter said that he was the Christ. After some time, Jesus wanted to know what were the disciples talking about, but they were silent. Because Jesus already knew, he told them that he who considers himself the first should be the last and should be a servant to the others.
The last hours of Jesus in this world were very sad. After staying in the garden of Gethsemane which was in the Mount of Olives, he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot one of his apostles. After this, he was arrested and tried for sedition. Then, he was sentenced to be crucified as Barabbas who was a criminal, was freed. It was a custom for them to do that every year during the Passover feast. After Jesus had received a crown of thorns, they took him to Golgotha where he was insulted, mocked, and where they also offered him vinegar to drink when he said that he was thirsty. Within a few hours, Jesus died. Judas Iscariot had killed himself after he knew that what he did was wrong.
This book clearly demonstrated that Jesus was not liked. It still amazes me that people cannot see. Furthermore, Because of this book and others, I learned that spiritual or mental blindness is worse than physical blindness because people are not able to understand simple concepts.
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