Monday, December 20, 2010

This is very interesting. Water is supposed to be OK to drink.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Good website to check out

Sunday, October 3, 2010

different lifestile

Homo sexuality and marriage
What is the first question that someone will probably ask a person who is against homosexual marriages? How does it affect you? Most people say as long as they don’t disrupt there lives it is fine what those people do. It is their life.
Here is my take. We have been witness of how many bad things have happened when man tries to make his own path to walk on. Nothing happens in the first years, but it always finishes bad for someone.
For example, for a long time, slavery was permitted around the world. Perhaps, people were suffering in silence. There came a time where people got tired, and they slowly gained there freedom.
I can tell you about more stories like that but this will suffice.
All of us must learn what are our abilities and disabilities. A lot of people say that gay people did not choose to be that way. None of us chose to be born the way we were.
I know they are in pain but so are other people. As a blind person, I cannot drive. This hurts me. I need to ask around to see if someone is willing to take me where I need to go.
We must learn how to suffer because with out it, we would not know many things. Without it, we would become ungrateful. People have to try to accept who they are.
Marriage is more than a union between two people. Marriage is a bond, a spiritual union; it is becoming one with the other person.
In homosexual marriages, this cannot happen because they are two people of the same gender. How is that union going to take place?
It cannot because of the many challenges. Our creator designed our bodies with a specific purpose. It does not matter if you are an atheist or a person who believes in a higher being, or if you are a religious person. Marriages are something sacred, and we cannot change things around just so we can fit them to please / satisfy our needs and wants.
Later on, it is going to be seen as normal seeing two men or women going places and not be criticized, by anyone because everyone will accept there lifestyle. Children will be taught to respect one another. That I agree with. Just because I do not accept gay people getting married does not mean that I don’t respect them and would be willing to help them if I could do it. If schools are teaching kids about homosexuality and that is OK, then they should begin to teach them about bullying, people with disabilities, finances, and discipline.
We still have a long way to walk, but it is the wrong way. Unfortunately, our priorities are set wrong. He who follows him will have everlasting life. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
We are as blind people in a dark room. He who is watching us is able to see, he sent his son to guide us. A lot of people have rejected him for so long. The Holy Spirit is like a flashlight, guiding us.
Knowing that we have made so many mistakes and that we have tripped over and over, why do we follow this rode?

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hi, I would like to make a request, but first of all, let me say that I am so glad that people are commenting on this blog. I like writing what I feel, and I like sharing it with everyone.
OK, my request. There are some comments here, and the only signature is Anonymous. Could those people please please write their names?Thanks,
Remember you can always email me with any suggestions or questions at:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The dream act

How sad that the dream act did not pass. It did not get enough votes. Probably I have said this before. These people that are working for us are acting like children. If for some reason they did not like the dream act, why can't they suggest some changes or come up with another prop? I don't get it. As long as we are divided, we are never going to move forward. Why did we end up like this? how, when, and at what time? This country needs a make over.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. I heard sometime ago that the UN could have a problem with statements such as this one because It would be considered hate speach.
Jesus Loves you

Saturday, July 17, 2010

world cup

Well, the world cup is done. How bad. I woke up every morning just for that. Although I will admit that some games were boring. I am glad that Spain took the cup home. I was a bit disappointed because I wanted more of those teams. The game for the third place was much more exciting than the Final. I am also proud that some teams on this cup gave it their all. Now looking forward to Brazil 2014. I hope I can be there. Another thing I did not like about this cup were the horns. They should have done something for those of us who were listening/watching the games on TV. Those things were really loud.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The US and the World cup.

How sad. The US lost to Gana today in the world cup. I was really sad. foot ball, as it should be known, should have a replay system for the referees. Talking about referees, How come fifa does not see this? This being a big event for the entire world, I believe we should have the best referees in the world cup. Some of these people, have caused teams to loos.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My first writing in spanish!

The kids of Widney High o Los chicos de Widney High, es una agrupación que se formó a finales de los años ochentas. Todo comenzó en la Preparatoria Joseph Pomeroy Widney. Widney, es una escuela para (estudiantes) personas discapacitadas. Un día, se le propuso al director de la escuela que se hiciera una clase para escribir música. El Profesor Michael Monagan, quiso escribir canciones para una obra de la escuela ya que el pensó que a la obra le faltaba música. Después de hablar con la maestra encargada de hacer la obra, se pusieron deacuerdo para llevar acabo este nuevo proyecto. Cuando el director les dio el si, El Profesor Monagan con algunos de sus estudiantes empezaron a escribir ideas. El Profesor Monagan, les asía preguntas a los estudiantes, de que iva hablar el tema? Que angulo se iva a tomar en este tema? Y final mente, alguno tiene alguna posible letra para incluir en la canción? Fue de esta forma que se empezaron a escribir las primeras canciones. Después de haber ayudado a los estudiantes a escribir las canciones, El Profesor Monagan grabó las canciones en su computadora. Cada estudiante tuvo la oportunidad de cantar una canción. A todos se les dio una copia de los temas que habían grabado. Una de estas grabaciones fue a parar a manos de un productor. Después de algún tiempo, en 1989 se grabo su primer disco que se tituló Special Music from Special Kids. Para este album, se utilizaron músicos de estudio.

Por algún tiempo, el grupo tocaba en eventos escolares. Poco a poco adquirieron fama. Empezaron a tocar en clubes alrededor de Los Angeles. Con el tiempo, los integrantes fueron cambiando 10 años despues los nuevos chicos hicieron el segundo álbum que llevó por nombre Let’s Get Busy. Fue este álbum que (llevo) saltó a los chicos al estrellato con canciones como, Pretty Girls, Let’s Get Busy, y Respect. Una canción que fue escrita por Otis Redding, pero que los chicos le adaptáron nuevas letras, re grabaron; convirtiéndolas así, en un himno para las personas discapacitadas. Desde entonces, los chicos an logrado conquistar los corazones de muchas personas incluyendo famosos como Smokey Robinson, Marilyn Manson, Howard Stern, entre otros.

Los chicos, ya tenían su propia banda, y hasta comenzaron la filmación de un documental sobre la banda. Otros años tuvieron que pasar para que grabaran su tercer disco. “Act your age”, fue grabado en el 2003. La banda cosecho mas éxitos como, Life Without The Cow, I Make My Teachers Mad, y Act Your Age.

Los chicos lanzaron otro disco con canciones grabadas en vivo. Su mas resiente disco que fue lanzado en el 2008 se titula. "Live at the Key Club." También participaron en la película, “The Ringer.” Que salio en 2007. Además, ellos ya tienen una línea de ropa llamada Better Bacon, un comico llamado Beond the Sky is the Limit. El documental en el cual an trabajado por varios años, se estrenara en varias ciudades de los Estados Unidos.

Aun con discapacidades físicas, estas personas les an venido demostrando a las personas no discapacitadas que cuando se quiere se puede, y no importan las discapacidades que tengan.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Now it is Arizona. They have come up with a law that if they see someone who looks illegal, they will arrest him or her. My question is How would they know? People now have to keep their papers with them at all times? then there is that thing of people not coming to Arizona for anything. Good job governer! Now, the only other law that you have to sign is anyone who is blind cannot get out their houses. Just as this last made up law by me is ridiculous, so is the sb 1070. If the link does not work, type sb 1070 on a search box such as google's search, and you will get the link.