Tuesday, August 26, 2008

good job at the Dnc today

I believe this speech was really good and really important. It was time that someone spoke for the disabled. It is sad that the US is not doing enough to
help us out. Very often we are left behind along with the poor. It is sad that so many voices are not heard, yet the democrats say that they are for all people.
so why do we get left behind? why do homeless people get left behind? why do people who are starving get left behind? why do victims of natural disasters
get left behind? There are so many other things that I could say, but I think you get my point. These things should be talked about in these conventions.
I am glad that this man is speaking out. We need change. Obama and all americans could make that change happen if they are willing to. When are we going to talk about this? I hope very soon.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The family

I would like to talk about something important and that is the family. A lot of people work 1 or 2 jobs just to pay the rent, the mortgage, food, clothing and other basic things. We all know that the minimum wage is not enough to cover all the expenses that a family might have. Knowing this problem, the government decides to waste money on other things, and they also keep raising taxes. Even though parents do a lot to survive these hard times, they are leaving their kids husbands or wives unattended. Some kids get dropped off in daycare and others go to school. Some kids go strait home after school. However, other kids stay a long time outside because they know that their parents will probably not come back until 9 PM or later. Those parents that come early from work pick up their kids from daycare if they have any in such a program, and they go strait home to sleep. In the meantime, the older kids are on the computer or in front of a television and most of the time; it is not for educational purposes. Others are getting introduced to things like sex, drugs, and being in gangs. Some if not most parents, do not play with their kids because they are too tired and if the kids want to talk to them, or simply give them a hug or kiss, they tell them to go away. There are some moms who don't like or want to kook or clean, and the dad has to do both things. It is very sad to say but this was caused by the feminist movement who told men they were not going to do whatever they wanted. I remember one morning when I was in an elevator on my way to one of my classes, and I heard a woman telling a man that she did not like to kook. The man also said that his wife did not like to kook and as I herd this, I thought to my self, “I hope I don't get a woman like that.” I was uncomfortable hearing this. But I am even more uncomfortable when I hear kids talking about another problem that is corrupting our country and that is sex. These kids are doing this in school when they don't even know what this is. Most people have sex with out love, and they think that if they don't do this, they are not going to be compatible on other things. In the first or second week that people meat, they begin to have sex or they start using drugs because of pier pressure. When a month goes by, they start living together not after they have a big argument with their parents because they think they are better than their parents. I know that it is very common to live together with a person without marrying that person. They see it as test driving a car and if they don't like the person, they could leave. In able for a relationship to work out, you have to spend more time asking questions about the other person and see if that person agrees or disagrees on the things that you believe. Watch how that person behaves with other people, and don't take him or her to expensive places. Some parents think that teachers should have the job to educate their kids about sex and drugs. However, teachers don't tell kids about the deeper issues of these two problems. Unfortunately, Because of these things, kids learn to be violent and they also learn about sexual education and drugs the wrong way. Think about it. What would you do if you don’t get what you want? It is likely that you will become violent. Some internet sites, radio shows, songs, TV shows, and video games have things relating to sexual activity or drugs. Unfortunately, these things do not tell kids the bad side effects. Parents don't put too much attention on what their kids are watching or hearing and that is another reason why kids tern out to be violent. If parents took time to talk or play with their kids, and watch TV with them, they wouldn't be the way they are now. Parents don't talk to their kids about the consequences of their actions and what could happen if they abuse things. Parents should start educating their kids about sex, drugs and violence when they are young. Also, they should tell them what is good or bad so when they get older, they will know what and what not to do. Because of the misinformation that kids get from their friends about sex ed, they start having it at a young age.
People have now gotten pregnant as early as 14 to 25 because they did not know how to control them selves. Remember in the early 80's when aids was something that nobody knew about? People started getting this by going to bath houses witch are places that allows people to fornicate with whomever they want. The same thing is happening with young people. They have sexual relations with multiple partners, and they get STD'S. However, they don't know how they got it. Many girls, who are going to high school or college, drop out because they need a job to support their kid. Others do it because of financial problems or because they did not wanted such a responsibility. They decided to have an abortion. The common side effects of abortion are Infertility, Cervical Laceration, and Uncontrollable blood clotting, severe hemorrhage, Seizures, Coma, Cancer, and Death. Unfortunately, women do not know this because doctors don't have to tell them these things. I believe that some doctors may say that to themselves. Other women have abortions because they were abused but even that is not an excuse to do that. The government should give money to the women so they could get more help.
I believe another thing that Leeds to a bad family is domestic violence. This includes physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. When children see this type of behavior, they grow to be even more violent than the parent that was doing this. This is how a cycle starts, and women who have kids, stay in the relationships because they think that if the man leaves nobody will be there for her or for her kids. This can also lead to a person using drugs because there is so much drama in their lives that they use the drugs to escape from reality. What these people don't know, is that when they try to stop, it is going to be too late because they are going to be addicted to the drug.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Ads are an interesting way to get people’s attention. Here is an example of one that I made about two months ago. Ads are moving away from advertising products. Instead, they want to promote a life stile. This is really bad. I believe it is turning people into characters. If people do not want to do something, such as preparing a meal, they could go to a place and order whatever they want. This next ad that I made will be for those people. My goal is to see if there is a difference between my ad and the fast-food ads, and also to let you see how easy it is to entice people into buying products. Sorry, how easy it is to entice people into changing a productive life stile into an unproductive one. We know you have things to do, and places where you need to go. The last thing you want to do is cook. X, Y, and Z has just the right thing for you. Why wait when you can have it now?
X, Y, and Z, , we have you covered.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Budget crisis

We go through the same thing in California every year. It always takes a long time to pass a budget. We are in at least three weeks behind. It is scary to think that people will be going back to school, and there is no money. I heard on the news that kids will be spending not as much for there school supplies. This means that they will have to use their old school books, they will wear the same clothes, and they will have to use the same writing materials in this upcoming school year. However, California should not be the only won at fault, but The US as a whole. So now, we have two problems. I believe that we should not be hearing the same thing over and over from the politicians. Republicans don’t want to raze taxes, but the democrats do. Someone must give up. If we don’t raze taxes, what can we do to reduce the deficit? On the other hand, people cannot start cutting programs which are beneficial to the poor, the disabled, the sick, and the elderly. I believe that now it is time for the people who are in power, to think about others and not so much about themselves or people who have the same economic status as they do. We must realize that things are not for free, and that we must pay for what we need. If that means razing taxes, then we should do it. Again, unless the republicans have a better plan, I do not see another solution.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Judaism divided into three parts

Orthodox Judaism says that the torah, is very important no madder if it’s the written or the oral form. It states that practices such as circumcision, are very important. A person could give up is or her believe in god as long as he or she follows the practices. Reform Judaism says that the practices are no longer required. It tries to blend with today’s society. It modifies some things to fit modern times. I was confused when I read that it was coming back to the traditional ways. Conservative Judaism is in a way, the blending of orthodox and Reform Judaism. It states that the practices are very important As well as the laws of the Talmud and the torah. It tries to adapt modern things when it is necessary. It talks about an evolutionary process and that, “halachic authority can continue the halachic evolution today.” God is real and therefore, really important.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Olympics

The Olympics is a big event. When I was younger, I used to participate in a similar event in Los Angeles that was called the Braille Olympics. We used to do a few events such as run, long-jump, and others. Every time I went, I always got the bronze meddle. It is because of this experience that I understand what every athlete is going thru. I am proud of each of them for doing a good thing. Now that we have a lot of things going on in the world, we need some unity which is what the Olympics have been doing.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

reparation money

I believe that The U.S. government should not give reparation money to the children from slaves because it would be a waste of time and it would cost a lot of money.
First of all, we would have to do DNA tests to determined if the people, had ancestors that were slaves. This could take up to 8 weeks. Then, we would have to do a psychological evaluation which would take more time, and people would have to weight some more depending on how much time is given. Also, we would be wasting time by arguing how much money they would be entitled to.
This will also cost a lot of money. According to africanDNA.com, a complete test will cost 1000 77 dollars. Now, multiply this by lets say, 10000 children of slaves. Then, we would have to pay 10770000 dollars. We would have to find in which way did the slave era affected the child which would require a psychological evaluation. Because every state is different, it is hard to put a price on how much this service would cost. Also, since slavery ended 143 years ago, it would be hard to prove that someone was affected.
If we were to give 10000 people 10000 dollars, we would be paying 100000000 dollars. I would also imagine that we would have to pay the people that will take care of the paperwork. Just on the reparation money and DNA tests the government will spend about 110000000 dollars. This amount would rise if we add the people who will do the printing, sorting, distribution, etcetera along with the people who would do the other things that I have mentioned. There are a few questions that need to be considered. What about those people, who are not black, but there ancestors were? Should they get paid reparation money, despite there skin color? What is the government going to do if someone commits fraud? I think we should also pay other ethnic groups because they have been mistreated. For example, the Japanese, the Hispanic, and the Native Americans. As an example, I could say that since my mom and dad were taken away from me because they were illegally in this country, and since I was born with a disability, I had to struggle to survive. If things were changed a little bit, and I went with them, I could say that as a result of being taken out my country, I did not have the services that I was supposed to have which caused me to be in a worse condition than in the one I was before I was taken away.
I believe that if this plan is accepted, our country will finally hit rock bottom.
1 April, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The author of an article that is in the LA times says that probably we are not going to see movies being shone in the movie theaters. This is going to happen because movies are coming out on DVD. Consequently, people are waiting until they come out in this way because they would avoid many things. for example, they would avoid having to make long lines at the movie theater. Furthermore, the author says that the movie studios need to put out better films, so the public would be eager to go to a movie. He also says that some of these movies were not made to be seen in an Ipod. one thing that I got from this article is that most young people do not appreciate old films. an example that the author gives is that there are few opera houses because of the lack of interest for these things. Even though this does not have anything to do with movies, it illustrates a good point. Technology has been guilty of more people spending their time watching movies on a portable device instead of joining their family to eat, to go and see a play, or to go to the movies. I agree with the author. If things keep going the way they are, movie theaters will be history. I was not wrong when I said that technology was bad for us. on a personal experience, I used to like movies but now that they have too many sound effects and a lot of visual scenes, I rarely see them. Films that were made in the 1960's and 1970's were much better. For a scary film, they would use a piano. For other ones, they would have an orchestra playing in the background. The actors talked more than they do now. that is why; I enjoy movies that were made back then. even though there is still dialog, I cannot understand movies because I would have to see what they were doing in able to understand what the conversation was about. For example, let’s say that someone would be cooking and he got burnt. He would curse and everyone in the theater would do something. Because I would not understand what everyone was laughing or crying about, I would have to ask a person what happened. the person would tell me that they were laughing because the person got burnt. I hope we realize that cell phones, ipods, and computers are not for watching movies. Computers are for typing and retrieving important files. in other words, they are useful to view or print info and to sample media. Cell phones are for making important calls. Ipods are for storing and for listening to music. However, technology is not entirely guilty. The people who make these movies do not have anything good to put out. As soon as movie makers use a little bit of creativity, that is when people will start to go back and see them.

Friday, August 15, 2008

lowering the drinking age

I have heard some people say that we should lower the drinking age. I believe that We should not reduce the drinking age from 21 to 18 because some young adults would be irresponsible and there for, they would cause an increase in automobile accidence. Do to the immaturity of some people under the age of 21, we will see as we have seen before, some of them do things that are not right. For example, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had a study that found that one out of 14 girls in between the ages of 14 and 19 has an STD. What do STDs have to do with lowering the drinking age if the statistic starts with age 14? First of all, it is important to ask why and how these girls contracted an STD? What would be the first answer? Could they had stopped this from happening? Why they did not do it? If at 18 they were able to consume alcohol, would they do something bad? The answer is yes. From 14 to 18 some kids have not matured enough. Also, at 18 they are getting out of that childhood stage, and some if not most adults, will be struggling to mature which would lead them to still keep on doing the same mistakes that they have been doing. Also, now that they have access to new things such as the internet, they would be doing more mistakes. Why is this? Using the net, they would be able to plan a party where some kids would be able to take alcahol. Meanwhile, their parents would not have a clue of what was going to take place. When kids got out of school, to protest in favor of illegal imigrants rights, on may first of 2006, I heard that some of those kids, had already planned how this thing was going to happen. Another example is that some, if not most kids, start driving at the age of 16, and we no the potential problems that this has caused. There have been 3,490 drivers under the age of 21 that died in 2006 and thousands more were injured. According to the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, it was estimated that there were 11000000 underage drinkers in the US. Now, imagine those 11000000 young adults and those that will be turning adults in the next few years being able to legally consume alcohol by the age of 18. How many more accidence would have to be added to already the long list? I believe it would be A lot. Giving them a second tool could lead to bad consequences. Since the first tool was driving, If we start providing alcohol, it would be the second tool which will kill more people than when they had only the first one. If we start to legalise drinking at the age of 18, It is going to be a two year difference which is not going to change anything. What I mean by that is these kids who were driving recklessly at the age of 16, now that they would be 18, and now that they would be able to purchous alcahol, who knows what could happen.I should also add that since driving starts at 16, probably drinking should be legalized at 16 as well. The accidence that are caused by 16 year olds is going to rise as soon as these people turn 18. The reason they have not risen now is because children are not able to purchase as much alcohol as they would if they were 18. As I have said before, This could have a lot of bad consequences if it were to happen. One of the consequences, would be that there parents will be devastated. This will happen because their child just killed a person and or got killed because of a teenager driving drunk. Another consequence is that a lot of money maybe thousands of dollars, would have to be paid to the family by the tax payers for the damage that some teenagers will cause. Also, we should not forget that the family of the drunk teenager, Probably will not have enough money to pay the other family or families.
So far, we have been able to reduce the fatal and injury crashes by 38% and 40% respectively, among 16 year old drivers. However, if lowering the drinking age were to happen, the statistics would go up again. At 18 a person has not yet grown sufficiently, but they still want to experience many things.The problem with that in this case, is that according to www.cdc.gov, at all levels of blood alcohol concentration, Young people have a greater risk of getting into an accident.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Facts about juice

In an article that I read about a year ago, Five juices were tested. Two were from frozen concentrate stored in screw top containers. Two were from ready-to-drink, not from concentrate pasteurized orange juice, packaged in either non-re-sealable, gable-top waxed cartons or plastic, re-sealable, screw-top containers, and 1 brand was of ready to drink from concentrate non-pasteurized orange juice packaged in re-sealable, screw-top waxed cartons. the ready-to-drink orange juices had higher concentrations of oxidized AA. Orange juice reconstituted from frozen concentrates had the lowest content of oxidized AA. I read that Ready-to-drink orange juices should be purchased 3 to 4 weeks from expiration date, and they should be consumed within 1 week of opening. some of the Vitamin C in the orange juice would be destroyed because of the time of production, and the time that it becomes available in different outlets. According to the article, 16% of people are deficient in Vitamin C. This could be because some people do not consume foods that are rich in vitamin C. If they do consume these foods, there is a possibility that those foods have lower quantities of vitamin C because of the way they were prepared or because of another reason. ** "reduced" Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid does not mean less. It refers to the chemical charge on the molecule. "Oxidized" does mean less because it has been destroyed oxygen. I remember when I purchased juice, and I did not open it. It had been outside the fridge for more than a day. Well, the Juice went bad. I was very sad. This also reminds me of the advice that is always being said. We should not buy more than we need. It seems as if I need to find another way of buying things.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Is John McCain a maverick?

In a story titled, “Between a maverick and a hard place,” publish to day in the LA times, I found some things that were very interesting. For example, John McCain considers himself to be a maverick. So, what is a maverick? According to thefreedictionary.com, it is, “One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.” Yes, he is still one, but I also think that he is stuck in between roads. He wants to be seen as someone who is different than other politicians. But at the same time, he wants to win these elections. I used to like him a little bit more a few years ago when he co-authored an emigration bill that was fair to undocumented workers. Now it seems as if he has joined those people whom he has criticized. I believe that a person could be with a group and still not be in agreement with them. However, in this case, I think that there is very little difference between President Bush and McCain. In another note, I think that he should not use ads like the one with Paris Hilton to get his point across. He should not criticize Barak Obama for saying what he said about tires and energy.
To read the article, go to

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nice tests

A few years ago, I took a class that was about choosing a career. My goals in this class were to explore career possibilities within a field of interest, and to discover more about myself. I had to list the work values that were most important to me at that time. The work values that were and still are important to me are to: help society, to work with others, to influence others, to have knowledge, to have a job that will lead me to personal growth, to be able to use creativity, to have stability and security, to have excitement, to be able to make good money, to be able to work near my home, to be able to have fun, to have a career that allows me to advance, to be able to be productive, to have achievement, and to work in a clean environment. I also had to list the skills that were important. The work skills that are still most important to me are: to analyze, to compile, to compare, to mentor, to negotiate, and to convince. I think I speak well, I give good advice, and I am a good problem solver. The specific skills that I have are that I know how to use the computer, I am patient, I am detail oriented, and I am bilingual. The special accommodations that I need to consider are: a computer that has a screen reader program, and a scanner with an OCR program. The things that I like to do are: Reading, listening to music, watching shows that have to do with history, crime investigation, political debate, and religious shows. I also like to listen to radio shows that talk about the same subjects described above. The classes that have interested me more are: broadcasting one and three and geology 1. The classes in which I have made my best grades are: English 23, speech three, and in a music class. The thing that I have liked about a job experience that I have had is that I have been able to make a bit of money, and that I have been able to interact with people. If you have taken a personality test, you already know about the following. If you have never taken one, there are 16 personality types. There are different codes witch, come close to describing who you are. This is mine. My personality code is INFJ. It implies that I am caring, and that I could be a teacher among other things. There is a test which is called the strong test, and it measures your personality based on the answers that a person gave when taking the test. Also, it will give you career suggestions based on other factors. The strong said that my Theme Code is S. My strongest career interest is helping others. It also said that I am outgoing, I am Concerned for others, I am humanistic, I am Verbal, and I am Generous. My Results Show I Have High Interest In: Public Speaking, Persuading, or influencing people. The careers that I might like are: Bacteriologist, Biomedical researcher, Ecologist, Zoologist, and Elementary School Teacher. Out of the careers that they listed, I only like three. They are: foreign language teacher, interpreter, and Linguist. According to bridges.com, this is how I am and the careers that I chose among the 100 career choices. Historian
Interpreter/Translator, Archivist, radio/TV Announcer. The following is an Interest Profile. Your Top Interest Areas. Does this sound like you? Artistic: Artistic: You are a "Creator". You enjoy art of all types, including drama, music, literature, poetry. You like using your imagination and creativity. You prefer working in unstructured environments. You have a need to express yourself. You may describe yourself as sensitive or emotional. Investigative: You are a "Thinker". You enjoy observing, learning, evaluating. You like the challenge of thinking through problems. You prefer working on your own. You often use science and math in problem solving. You may describe yourself as inventive and original. So, there you have it, this is who I am. Try these things out. Go to a college, and please take a class like this one. I am interested to know what you think.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sex being sold!

I have heard that sex sells. I have to say that this is the truth. A few weeks ago, I was listening to a commercial on the radio. It started out with a woman moaning. After a minute, I found out that it was a commercial for hair restoration. After that, the announcer said something like, “If you want to be like our friend here”, you must do this. This was a radio advertisement for as I said before, a hair restoration PROCEDUREMENT. The place where they do this thing is supposed to be different than the other hair restoration places. Why does sex have to dominate the media? How is this impacting or how will it impact the future generations? Wow! To think that we see this when watching a commercial on cars, food, and clothing, scare’s me a lot. It is then that we are left saying, “Why?” Let’s get back to selling products and not sex. This will make a person into another person that he or she may not be. We should be setting the example for other countries to follow

Thursday, August 7, 2008

new video

I have a youtube channel. I only have two videos, but I will keep on adding more. Interesting things are ahead.
Go to
to see the viddeo. As I said, the video is also on my youtube page.
My youtube channel is,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


It is sad that the airlines are nickel and diming their customers. Now, Jet blue is going to sell you a blanket and a pillow for seven dollars. Add to this that some other airlines are charging you for extra leg room, snacks and drinks, and extra bags. Why do they have to do this? If they would add all of this to your fare, everything would be much better. Customers will be very unhappy with this decision. I was hearing on the radio that people are bringing their own blankets and pillows. I am glad that I have never have had to use this. I do not think that it feels very good to sleep on used things. Hundreds of people have used these things. I wonder how often they are washed. I believe that in able to fix this problem the airlines have to do what I suggested.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The brotherhood

"Islam" as peace, People are not thinking of that when they hear info about this religion. The brotherhood is an Islamic organization that helps provide a different religious view of Islam that the media, politicians, and others don’t seem to have. It seems as if the brotherhood is trying to reestablish Islam by educating people. An example is that people should pray. They also teach other religious values. It seems as if their goal is unity. This is what the profit would have wanted. So far, this organization is following Islam. Surah 90 talks about the Ascent, “It is the freeing of a slave, or the feeding, in a day of hunger, of an orphaned near of kin, or a needy man in misery.” This is what the brotherhood is doing in over 20 countries. According to surah90, those who free the slaves, and those who counsel one another, for example, shall be on the right hand. I believe that because of the political things that are going on, soon, the brotherhood will be unable to give out anymore. I fear that the world will be dominated by the people who are in power and who don’t care about the poor. I think that over time, this organization will disintegrate little by little. They will be seen as an organization that helped.
I was really bothered by a headline that was mentioned in an article. "Let the Workers Eat Cake," blared a headline on the front page of the April 30 edition of Al Akhbar, a Lebanese daily newspaper allied with the Shiite. Although some groups are “winning”, in the end, everyone is going to suffer the consequences of their actions. We should follow closely what is happening in the Middle East. By now, it should be clear that bible prophesies are becoming reality. From the first one up to now, people did not believe that the bible was truth although all the prophesies have become true so far. There is more to come, and we should be prepared. Always keep searching for the truth.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

a taste of an article

These are some things that I will probably include in a future article. I wrote in the Third person. I hope that this article will get published in newspapers. I will also be publishing it on here. Enjoy
Blind student will publish an article on school unfairness
A blind student, whom recently graduated from SMC College, will publish an article in a few months that will tell people how SMC College expects him to pass a class in able to obtain his AA degree. He will also talk about how future students could be affected by these requirements. According to the student, these requirements are unfair.
For example, the class that he has to take in able to get his AA degree, is not targeted towards him. For example, this person has to take a journalism class. Half if not more of the material in the class, is for people who can see. Also, since he took a math class, he knows that because the concepts that are going to be used there will be to guide people who can see, some blind people would not be able to understand them. He knows that they would probably not understand things such as: decimal points if there is not someone who knows how to explain to the blind student, in a proper way, what that is.
He would like to write this article because it is not fair for students to take a class about something that they know nothing or very little about. In this case, it would be the things, descriptions, format, or visuals that the teacher is using to teach the class. Because of these methods, the person who will write this article would talk about how the student will lose more instead of gaining something. For example, instead of earning an A or b, the student could get an F as a grade. Also, he or she will probably never use or understand the things that are being taught. He thinks there would be interest because it would show how The California educational system focuses on the majority. Also, because more blind people are going to school, it would be necessary to change the educational system. By people reading this, they would be more conscious that there has to be a change. Further more, since a lot of veterans are going back to college, there would be some people with disabilities that are going to school or will go to school. “Since we owe our freedom to these people, people should care about this problem,” The future author of this article said.
The author would include four pictures in this story. A picture of a blind man or woman sitting in a news writing class with arms crossed as all of the other students hold a newspaper, would be included. In the picture the students are divided into groups. The blind person is sitting nowhere near. In another picture, the professor is walking towards the student. In another one, they are talking. In the last picture, the student is alone and upset. The student still has nothing to do. The teacher is walking to the front of the room.
The student would interview professors, students who are blind, and those who are not, the president of the college, and department chairs.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

about religion

I will try to answer a few questions about Religion in general. Also, there are some terms that I will try to explain because they are not in English.
Religion is a term that refers to an organized system which attempts to explain things, answer questions, or come to a conclusion about a myth or idea. Further more, it tries to put that which cannot be seen together with the things that people could perceive with the five senses, and it is based on tradition.

For example, Buddhism and Hinduism for they provide a path for people to follow. In Hinduism, MOKSHA is the liberation from Samsara Which means flowing together. Samsara is a wheel. Better yet, it is the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. MOKSHA is a way to be one with god.

In Buddhism, the 4 Noble Truths provide a way for the Buddhists to be at peace. Dukkha, which could be translated to unsatisfactory, tells us that nothing remains forever. The second one is tanha which means a thirst or craving for something. nirvana Is the third one. It means to extinguish. Learning not to crave or be thirsty for material things is the object. Getting rid of unsatisfactory things is a goal. What I got from the text is that we must extinguish these things. The last one is the Eightfold Path Which has to do with being in a good moral behavior, don’t harm others, understand others, understand the teachings known as darma, and being in the right state of mind. In other words, The Eightfold Path consists of Sila, Prajna, and Samadhi.

Religion’s role in human life is to lead people to some kind of spiritual awareness, and it also tries to guide people on how to live. An example of this would be Christianity for it gives guidelines to become a better person. These are known as the 10 commandments which were given to Moses by Jehovah. Judaism is another example which has certain things that they need to do to be closer to god. This is known as Halakha, Which could mean “the path" or "the way of walking." Halakha encompasses religious and non religious laws. Something similar is in Islam, and it is known as the shariah law which means the way or path to the water source.

Places, Things, or practices can be considered religious. People can recognize this if a place has been widely known to hold some type of meeting to discuss or preach spiritual things. In some cases, but not necessarily, people are able to know if a place is religious by the title that has been given to it. Titles include: mosques for Muslims, temples for Buddhists and Hindus, churches for Christians, or some other sacred place or space.

A thing can be recognized as something religious if people are wearing it or have it in their possession , if it is an accepted item by a group of people or by an organization, and if it has some historical significance.

An example is the cross for Catholics. It is important because that was where Jesus was put to death. It represents the pain that Jesus had to go through. Another example is the Koran because it is the complete message of god, according to Islam. Islam also says that other holy books such as the bible have been corrupted or altered making them the incomplete word of god. The Koran was dictated to Muhammad over 23 years. According to him, the angel Gabriel came to him and told him to write down what he was going to be told.
According to Islam, Muhammad is the profit of Allah

A practice can be considered religious if it is done frequently. Also, it must have to do with something that a person can connect or be in touch with. For example, people could be connected with a higher being or with a person’s own spirit. A practice could be done alone ore with a group of people.

An example of a practice is prayer which is a way of communicating with a higher being. It could be done alone or with other people. Other examples include sacrifice. This involves killing an animal so people could be right with god. Chanting is a way to invoke a spirit. People could have a contact with one if they are concentrated.